Flicker, flicker.
The sound of the T.V. light dancing on the walls
casting alternating shadows
of a family's shape.
A man enters the room.
He's nervous;he hardly knows these people at all.
Glancing at the T.V.-
a familiar program!
Comforted by the familiarity he sits down
next to his wife and kids.
Flicker, flicker.
The television.
The ultimate form of entertainment.
A blare of sight and sound
a comforting lack of physical stimulus.
Everything familiar and warm.
An addiction stronger than crack.
The man gazes at the box.
Enjoying the excitment and
comedy the programs offer.
But a curious thing happens.
After he settles in, he notices something-
nothing. He is watching nothing.
People running and guns shooting,
but he registers only
flicker, flicker.